Jan 29, 2024
Episode 1998. WWW = Wx3. Featuring a cover of Tears of Gold by Violet King. What do you stick to and what to you not stick to? Losing teams don't stick to their Word or their Work and eventually, they don't stick to their Workouts. Stick to nothing, stuck with nothing. "WWW" stands for "word, work, workout." Stick to WWW and you earn more W's - MORE WINS. I've said it to my teams for over 4 decades. What's the formula? More W's, there's your formula. Stick to WWW. Here's the bad news, when you get sick of your conscience saying the same thing over and over and over, don't get pissed off at your conscience; it's just trying to make you stick to the formula. Stick to the W's and you'll have more W's. If you tell you conscience to "get off my back" you'll suffer another setback and you'll need a miracle comeback. Blunt Talk Podcast is guaranteed TO LIFT. X Fitness is committed to lifting in body, mind, and soul. There is enough depressing news. We won't add to it. Good Inspirational News Only. Free, permanently archived downloads compliments of X Fitness. Blessings & all good things. #peace