Sep 28, 2015
The difference between winning and losing is limits – the ones you break and the limits that break you. You either break limits or limits break you to pieces. It’s one or the other. Limits are self-imposed obstacles that are allowed to win mind games. The good news is that anyone can break the limits that hold... |
Sep 23, 2015
#TheOpponent. It’s impossible to go through life without an opponent. Someone will always compete for the same thing(s) you want. The result of any competition depends on how you perceive #TheOpponent. Today’s special edition of Blunt Talk #Podcast features opponents - Darryl Leason, Jordan Heather, and Tommy... |
Sep 21, 2015
The difference between a fulfilled life and empty life is what you serve and protect. Your either serve only yourself and only protect your own assets or you serve and protect others. The greatest reward is not material possession. The greatest reward is serving and protecting others. Today’s guest is Annel... |
Sep 14, 2015
#TheProcess includes countless variables that make you or break you. Insecurity is one of the top ten obstacles that can block our potential. Worse, it manifests in the C-word, a concept that was introduced in previous podcasts and will continue in this episode. Insecurity has a dual meaning if you insert a space... |
Sep 7, 2015
The difference between winning and losing, between success and failure, is how you handle the highs and lows of #TheProcess. The ethos of #TheProcess is the highs you lift to and the lows you crash to. You won’t escape experiencing them but you have to escape the side-effects of bot the high and lows that, unless... |