Jan 31, 2024
Episode 2001. Losing ways. Featuring a cover of Tears of Gold by Violet King. How do I change my losing ways? Change your training ways and days. Focus on what pays. Pays off, pays out, pays up, pays down. Those dreaded losing ways… how, where, why did they start? They started in the mind and then spread to the body and soul. The starting line for losing ways is the mind's finish line. The mind's finish line immediately replaces the starting line when the scared mind magnifies risk and pain when it's time to train. The scared mind blows out-of-proportion the risk and pain when it's time to train, and that starting line, for winning ways, turns into the finish line. The scared mind says to the body and soul, "I'm finished." Before you've even started, the scared mind associates crossing the real finish line with a level of suffering. Its world and work view blocks the natural view of the real finish line in order to protect the body from having to work overtime. Then you take another workout off and nothing pays off. Blunt Talk Podcast is guaranteed TO LIFT. X Fitness is committed to lifting in body, mind, and soul. There is enough depressing news. We won't add to it. Good Inspirational News Only. Free, permanently archived downloads compliments of X Fitness. Blessings & all good things. #peace