Jan 27, 2024
Episode 1997. Learn… to earn. Featuring a cover of Tears of Gold by Violet King. Build the absolute best network of coaching mentors. It costs a fortune to find them, but there are legitimate coaches and mentors that will bring a level of expertise to every single student-athlete on your team. They will profit from what you learn from them. Commit to building today, a network of legitimate coaching mentors that will teach you how to work. Building a network won't just happen. Nothing just happens. Nothing happens by itself, randomly, accidentally, by osmosis or overnight. You've got to build it. Most High God is going to put legitimate coaching mentors in your path but you have to learn from them. Like me. From football coaches who taught me and transformed my coaching career that, in turn, built my teams. It's the equivalent of choosing the best school… or end up a fool. Your team is depending on you. Blunt Talk Podcast is guaranteed TO LIFT. X Fitness is committed to lifting in body, mind, and soul. There is enough depressing news. We won't add to it. Good Inspirational News Only. Free, permanently archived downloads compliments of X Fitness. Blessings & all good things. #peace