Aug 31, 2023
Episode 1894. Conflict addict. Featuring a cover of Tears of Gold by Violet King. Conflict addicts get high by causing lows! "Asshole" is a synonym for "conflict addict" because both cause hell. Chaos. Solution? Be a conflict addict in the gym. Fight with the bar; fight with 45s, heavy reps, heavy bag, personal worst. Fight for a personal best. Why do you fight with yourself? Don't you have enough competition? You have to fight the real enemy. The opponent on or in any field. If not, you know what's going to happen. You're going to end up dead or dead last. It's impossible to fight the enemy while you're fighting yourself. Then you show up on game day and think you're going to have full strength for the fight. Stop fighting with your own team, your own side. You got to fight the other side. You knew this! Yes, you can build limitless strength, but why waste it fighting with yourself? If you used all the energy you lost fighting yourself on fighting your enemies, you and your team would be superstars. Unbeatable. Undefeated seasons! Good news! Intensify your complaining or intensify your training. Blunt Talk Podcast is guaranteed TO LIFT. X Fitness is committed to lifting in body, mind, and soul. There is enough depressing news. We won't add to it. Good Inspirational News Only. Free, permanently-archived downloads compliments of X Fitness. Blessings & all good things. #peace